The reason our generation in so angry is were watching the country we love be destroyed and we can’t do anything about it. The younger generations don’t see it but they will be living in it
America will never be destroyed from the outside. (If we lose our freedom it will be because we destroyed ourselves). Abraham Lincoln. 155 years later the reason I chose the Confederate Flag is because it stands for our history for better or for worse the people that are trying to erase it by destroying these symbols and Statues are the people that Lincoln was referring too.
When somebody is describing the American dream it starts out with work hard save your money if you wish get married buy a house raise a family give your kids advantages you didn’t have the only thing that all of us have in common is our freedom and there’s a lot of people foreign and domestic trying to take that away
In the late 60’s you had three choices: stay in school, leave the country or get drafted. After that they did figure out that the only way to change the country was from the inside. so all the kids that stayed in school and the ones that made it back from Vietnam where the military would pay for their education so a lot of people never left school after graduating they got advanced degrees and some became educators others went into government service and the media. And that’s where we’re at today
There’s nothing in the word freedom that is free. as hard as people fought for this year’s election. Trump couldn’t win against the promise of free. He was selling Keep America Great. While the other side was selling free schooling, pay off student loans reparations for certain groups open borders. This is great for democrats cause if they can’t come thru they can blame it on the racist republicans.
In my opinion Obama was one of the most corrupt presidents in modern times he ran his office like a Chicago crime boss he setup the ACA (Obama Care) this is just a socialist middle man scheme he appointed the heads of all the government agencies and then weaponries them. since he’s been out of office he’s been working on “Organizing for Action” to reimagine America.
The Biden administration has nominated on recommendations from Obama and others the most radical intellectuals for his cabinet not because there the best at that position but because they will do his bidding for them our country has been under attack from foreign and domestic forces since Obama took office and if Hillary would have moved a little quicker she would have been president and we would be in a socialist country already.
What happen to George Floyd was wrong the person responsible for his death is in jail charged with murder and he will have a fair trial but from what I saw he will spend the rest of his life in jail. But this event was used as a trigger all of these people are working in concert you got the money coming from somewhere you’ve got Black Life Matters right in middle of it after the event has been scheduled depending on the size of the crowd you won’t need to many helpers to you get the crowd worked up along the way by the end of the day people are tired so the feel good folks (Peaceful Protesters) go home as dark falls the bad actors go into action they start messing with the cops maybe toss a few things at them from their stockpile now the gangs start breaking windows and locals start looting all they see is free stuff and then they light a few fires to ramp up the crowd and put the cops on edge so they will hurt somebody for a photo op then the media can report how the peaceful protesters were attacked by the police. The information age has morphed into the age of disinformation and willful ignorance.
I think the FBI should have of had teams in all of the cities where there were riots are taking place not to fight with them but to take video, pictures, sound and GEO location maybe infiltrating to compile names and offenses follow their movements then using facial recognition to identify and sent to a judge to get search warrant find out who they have been communicating with then follow the money and sent all this to a Grand Jury Regarding the riots I understand they don’t like trump but how about all the Cities and Counties in the State where are all of the mayors and local officials, the law enforcement and the National Guard this is your state if you all got together came up with a plan to stop the riots and throw the bums out of office and these people in jail. you know treat it like it was January 6th
Is not about uniting diverse cultures or nations, it’s about fooling the masses into surrendering their wealth and freedom to big government. One nation at a time. Their ultimate goal is the creation of a Socialist-Communist New World Order. That will allow an elite few, to rule the world
Is basis for most of today’s Social Justice and Identity Politics? Marxists have hijacked our education system and equality movements. Turning them into tools that are being used to destroy the family unit, indoctrinate our youth and weaken our nation from within. By increasing anger and division, while reducing patriotism, nationalism and unity.
AKA mass-migration without assimilation. Destroys both nation’s culture and the migrant’s culture. Thus, creating the new mono-culture, as the two groups vie for dominance, the resulting culture-clash. Creates even more anger, resentment and division between the native population and migrants.
Is then used to take advantage of anger and division, as well as financial burden placed on the state. Which has provided affordable housing, healthcare, welfare, education, police and fire protection, to rapidly growing populace? As resources are stretched thin. Both poverty and crime increase.
This is when Globalists and their shills swoop in like vultures. With promises of ending the orchestrated poverty, chaos and inequality. However, history has shown us that this “utopia” is a LIE. Criminals and Tyrants are the only people who benefit from these authoritarian regimes. Slavery, starvation and genocide await the rest of us.
If you take the heads of the all three branches of our government along with the heads of the all the major government agencies and the people that control the movie studios the television and newspapers. Its less than 5000 people controlling the lives of 333,000,000
This could have easily been a black ops mission out of our country or one of our enemies.
It doesn’t matter if it was let out or it got out it’s what they did after that is the problem they allowed it to infect the world by doing so every pharmaceutical research lab in every country in the world has work 24/7 spending billions of dollars to come up with a vaccine in the shortest amount of time and of course after trillions lost in productivity and trillions spent to take care of the population. The place that started the whole thing will get the vaccine for pennies on the dollar. The majority of the 5.5 million people that have died were either elderly or had existing medical conditions so only the strong survive. I guess we won’t have to take care of these folks anymore. Who knows maybe these Pandemics just might be cost effective down the road if new variants keep coming
In my opinion you are attracted to the opposite sex. the same sex. or both sexes. Everyone else is just Cosplay. You may question the math but after you are all banded together the number is somewhere between three to five percent of the population of the United States. In my opinion it is your inalienable right to be anyone you wish to be and that you are protected by the laws of the United States just like all the rest of us. We don’t need any more new laws to serve your special interests.
Regarding this group of people I think that we need a third rail of competition kind of like the Special Olympics or Ninja Warrior where they can compete and it would be fair for all that want to participate
Regarding the bathroom thing sense there’s very few that have made the complete conversion in the US they should get a golden ticket to enter the bathroom of their choice. The rest is what you were born with.
Lending your celebrity to a cause and then writing it off is not donating. now if you help with your real money and time with building, feeding or sponsoring some homeless family not because your agent said it would be good in the press or to show your kids or so-called friends and workers while you’re up on stage.
This is something a lot of people used to forward their careers to say this has been going on a long time is a understatement the movie The Casting Couch (Circ 1924) this was three years before the earliest feature-length movie with recorded sound so these women said why not if this gets me into the movies and I make a lot of money it would be a small price to pay. And then along comes the (ME TOO) movement you know I kind of feel sorry for Harvey Weinstein he had been doing the same thing that the men and women in his position have been doing for nearly 100 years in a kind of a Quid Pro Quo now the lawyers see a way to put him in jail and take all his money and split it up between the so called victims and of course the blood sucking lawyers.
You have a lot of very smart people that have an artificial timetable that says they have seen the future and here is a list of things we need to change right now. This is all by design.
One hundred percent clean, renewable energy by 2030. Unless Russia, China and India do the same it won’t change anything. Stopping oil production in the USA will increase the price of carbon-based fuel to a point that people will finally be forced to use public transportation, carpool, work at home or just not work at all. Poor people can’t afford electric cars.
When home prices are too high for single family dwellings you will now have to live in a multiple family housing like condos, apartments, auxiliary housing units or on the street.
They need us to go cashless that’s the only way to stop the underground economy and so they can tax everybody in real time
Every time a flash mob robs a store more people shop online and more Brick and Mortar stores close
Have you ever noticed when a black activists speaks they always refer to people of color or none white they don’t care about the other races but it does take their numbers from 12.1% of the population to 42.2%
Does anyone find it strange that the supply chain holdup lasted long enough for inflation to make their ships cargo worth hundreds of millions of dollars more?
I think the time of Brick & Mortar Schools are coming to an end. It moves the day to day responsibility to the parents the children will receive pre recorded lessons in any language monitored by a teacher that will give the instructor the ability to educate more students and be able to pause the lesson for just that student and give him or her individually attention as needed
When you increase the price of food people eat less so that takes care of the obesity problem in our country this is a win win. I’m Joking quality food cost a lot more.